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Connie speaks plain truth better than just about anyone I know. At a time when common sense ain’t that common anymore, I love reading Connie’s thoughts as she’s making aging aspirational again.It’s deeply meaningful to me that she received the fuel to write this book from her cohort at the Modern Elder Academy. 
- Chip Conley, Hospitality Entrepreneur and Bestselling Author of Wisdom@ Work,
PEAK-How Great companies get their MOJO from Maslow and Emotional Equations.

In this richly inspirational and easy to read collection of observations, Connieshares that aging is inevitable, but impairment is not. Her work in Hospice andend-of-life, ironically provides a powerful environment to learn what is profoundlyimportant in living. This collection of short articles is an encouragement to keeplearning and growing throughout all chapters of life, and a day by day reminderthat age is only a barrier if we allow it to be.

- Jerry L Old MD, author of VintagePeople, and Jesus Christ MD. Clinical Associate Professor, Former Director ofGeriatrics and Palliative Care University of Kansas School of Medicine.


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Daily Cures Wisdom for Healthy Aging

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